The client wanted to refurbish this existing 6 storey Victorian building, located opposite the Arndale centre in the heart of Manchester.
Works involved the external upgrade, internal conversion and roof extension to create an apart-hotel. The existing building was of masonry construction with ornate brickwork details to the front, creating an elegant vertical design. Internally, the structure was retained with the original steel columns and roof structure exposed to give the internal spaces character and charm.
The Apart-hotel accommodation was devised to facilitate Manchester's thriving tourist economy. 19 Apart-hotel suites were created, with commercial space on ground floor.
The retained and uplifted shop frontage on the ground floor highlighted the historic detailing. We decided to set the glazing back, which exposed the Victorian detailing and simplified the glass screening.
This gave added depth to the design which represented a significant upgrade on the tired existing condition.
Works were completed in 2010.