Planning Consultant - Centro; Energy - JB Lewis Ltd; Fire Engineer - Fire Safety SE; Heritage - Barton Willmore; Viability - CPMC; CGI's The Visualiser.
T2S were tasked with devising proposals to reinvigorate this tired traditional Public House in Camden.
The building sits in the London Borough of Camden, on a prominent corner to York Way, a key artery into Kings Cross, and Agar Grove which leads towards Camden Town. This once proud building appears tired and run down, mainly due to the modern installation works which have diluted its Victorian Style and Grandeur.
Our initial analysis for the building concluded that it felt out of sorts with the local urban grain. Terraces to either side, which create a block which strides the corner of York Way and Agar Grove, are 4 stories when the existing building is only 3. This creates an inconsistent window profile which neither add’s charm nor interest to the wider block.
The façade and window details have been simplified to create an odd pastiche of modern Architecture stylings on what is clearly a traditional Victorian Public House. Furthermore, the building features a strange single storey infill into the gap in the block, which again reads out of sync with the well- proportioned surrounding terraces.
We completed further analysis of the block, and how it sits in its context, to understand how the hierarchy is created using a series of setbacks along the Agar Grove façade, to create defensible zones to facilitate a more residential feel. This is clearly to define itself against the commercial corner, where the buildings sit tight to the boundary, so the ground floor commercial spaces have a direct connection to the footfall travel at pavement level.
This analysis concluded that our works should look to infill the existing form with another story, increasing efficiency whilst creating a window hierarchy in keeping with the wider block. The gap is to be infilled and a mansard roof extension is proposed to the roof.
The façade and window details are to be uplifted to mimic a traditional corner Pub, with the Pub frontage significantly improved using dark rich colours and ornate details.