
Building the Future Conference

September 25, 2024

The final presentation saw a great panel discuss the issue of producitivy in the economy - in particular the construction industry - and what the government can do to improve this. Our productibity in this country and dropped like a stone in the last 10 years or so.

There were some really interesting points made regarding informal procurement methods - prioritising 'who you know and not what they know' -and the general lack of a consistant metric upon how productivity can be judged.

My non scientific approach on this centres around a simple mantra of 'do it once and do it right'.

In my view, the challenge for the new government is to engender a 'can do' / 'positive culture' as opposed to a conserving at all costs approach to construction and our built environment.

Afterwards the drinks / networking event was great. We had a really interesting chat to Michael Bailey who offered some really useful insight of the HRB Gateway process.

In a completely unrelated point, the event was hosted near Westminster and it reminded me of how resplendent the tidied up houses of Parliament looks.