
Design's submitted is Bexley!

March 29, 2024

This exceptional refurbishment and extension of 35 Upper Wickham Lane will create 7 modern, attractive cluster apartments in this busy and growing suburb. Our design minimises demolition and leverages the carbon emissions already embodied in the existing structure, cutting the cost of materials compared to a new build. Together with the green roof, this design represents an exceptionally sustainable & economical solution to our client's requirements.

The works involve a 2 storey extension that wraps around three sides of the original building with a small lightwell/courtyard on the first floor. Our design for the building will help raise the quality of the local architectural language, and enhance the urban landscape around Upper Wickham Lane, by refreshing the existing building which lacks any distinguishing architectural merit and presents an uninspiring frontage to this prominent high street.

We have chosen to use a render product for the extension, based on the materiality of the existing building. This same product can be used to refresh the existing facade and create a lightweight structure for the extension to reduce the loads on the existing foundations.

Currently, the building is split into two commercial premises and two apartments. Our plans involve creating an uninterrupted commercial space on the ground floor of approximately 150m2 with residential use above.

Our intention is to demolish the existing pitched roof whilst retaining the ground and first-floor perimeter walls. Our design for the extension uses the footprint of the building, including the first-floor lightwell, and raises the structure by one floor to create a three-storey, c-shaped, flat-roofed building.

The two floors of residential space are divided into six 'cluster apartments', each containing 3-4 self-contained rooms with shared facilities. Each room includes an en-suite bathroom, kitchenette and at least one large window to create safe, secure and comfortable living spaces.

We have recessed the upper floor at the front of the building to lessen the appearance of mass, and chosen a zinc roof/wall cladding for a modern feel that also helps to break up the building's vertical presentation. For the remaining walls, we have chosen a specific render system that can be used on both the new walls fitted with fire-resistant insulation panels and over the existing render on the existing walls. This uninterrupted render will ensure the original building and new extension will read as one.