This module, part of the LSA's ground-breaking 'Part 4 programme for Professional Practice', will be our regular Friday afternoon activity for the next 6 weeks. Jessica Guy, Katarzyna Dudzinska and Tom Slater will increase their design skills and understanding through this live and online course.
We will be learning about designing for life, keeping people safe, how to meet and exceed regulatory compliance, and how to make ethical and professional design decisions earlier, and throughout the process, to keep people safe.
This course is not only a chance to embed important knowledge about our responsibilities as designers; the lessons we learn will move us towards our ambition of offering accredited Principal Designer services to our clients.
Thank you to Yasmin Khodaie for introducting us to the LSA course. The first week's event was hosted by Dr Liam Ross with talks by former RIBA Precedent Jane Duncan OBE and Paul Bussey.
T2S attended in person which helped create a really collobarative and informative event. The remaining week's of the course will be held remotely.
We beleve this highlights our commitment to developing our skill set to ensure we are delivering the best service to our clients - and keeping our designs safe!