

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

This existing building sits on a prominent corner between Fulham Road and Harwood Road in the heart of West London, yards away from Fulham Broadway station and Stamford Bridge.

It is a beautifully detailed structure, with an ornate decorated façade using a mix of brick and stone cladding. This character and grandeur is recognised in the Conservation area which states that the building is locally listed building.

Our client wanted us to develop proposals to extend the building on the upper floors. Due to the prominence of the corner, and the areas retail history, we knew any proposals would need to focus on the upper floors whilst retaining the Commercial floor space currently occupied by an Estate Agent on the ground floor.

Fulham town hall exists along Harwood Road to the east. The existing building on our site has a tiered design which exposes the flank wall to the town hall. This is contrary to most traditional grand facades, where only the frontage is celebrated. Our design proposed a fully infilled the roof profile, extending the existing language, creating a continuous façade along 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor.

Once we established the form, we needed to achieve a proportionately correct window pattern which seamlessly tied the new extension into the existing structure. Retaining as much of the existing geometry was important, with the entrances creating a mid-point which acted as a mirror for the new geometry.

The proposals will realise 9 new residential apartments, retaining the commercial space on ground floor. We expect works to begin on-site towards the end of 2024.