
Gloucester House

London Borough of Camden

The intention was to renovate this existing house as part of the wider works relating to Gloucester Avenue. As the design developed on the house itself, the client realised it was not large enough to function as a family dwelling. Planning consent was granted for an extension in the same historical style, with reinstatement of the lost historic detailing to the front.

A historical search was completed, and we found the original 19th century drawings. On review of these drawings, it was clear that the original design included alot of detailing to the windows which had been lost over time. The planners were keen that these details were reinstated to reclaim the buildings original splendour, particularly to the front elevation which is listed as a Key view within the Conservation Area.

Historic details like the lightwell, staircase, balustrade and shoe cleaner, were also reinstated.

The extension is hidden within the Architectural language to ensure the house retains a 'Cottage' sense of scale and character. The chimney has been detailed to give it more prominence in a similar fashion to the Georgian terraces in the area. The mansard roof is pitched on all sides, which peals away from the chimney to accentuate its prominence.

The interiors were designed in a similar fashion to the main development, albeit with an upgraded level of quality in respect of the house's grandeur.

Victorian tiles are used in the hallway, which balance against the modern glass box extension to the rear. Panelled doors, a timber balustrade and a herringbone floor, are all used to mimic the Victorian style.